应地学院章军锋教授邀请,澳大利亚麦考瑞大学(Macquarie University)地球和行星科学系Simon Clark教授来我校访问并做学术交流。
报告题目:“地球内部铁的自旋转变”(Iron Spin Transitions in the Earth)
报告题目:“无定形物质多形:事实还是传说”(Polyamorphism: fact or fiction)
Simon Clark教授简介:
Simon Clark is a mineral physicist who specializes in determining material properties at high pressures and temperatures. He trained as a Crystallographer at Birkbeck College, University of London before moving to the Daresbury Synchrotron Radiation Source and The Department of Earth Sciences, Manchester University where he led the development of synchrotron facilities for high-pressure studies using diamond anvil and multi-anvil cells. His major contributions during this time included the determination of the phase diagrams of hydrous minerals and understanding mixing in solid solutions. He subsequently moved to the Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and The Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Berkeley California where he led the development of a synchrotron beamline for high-pressure studies using laser heated diamond anvil cells. His main contributions included work on spin transitions in the Earth and development of methods for the determination of the structures of amorphous materials and liquids at high pressure and temperature. He is now at Macquarie University and the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Sydney, Australia, where he is leading the development of the largest high-pressure laboratory in the southern hemisphere. His current research is focused on improving our fundamental understanding of the mantle in order to reduce the length scale for mineral exploration and includes: studies of the effect of fluids on silicate melt structure and physical properties, developing methods for better interpretation of Magnetotelluric data and measuring transport properties at high-pressure and temperature.他已在高压矿物物理学领域发表学术论文222篇,被引3278次。